
Hello it's me, it's me calling out I can see you
It's me throwing stones from the stars on your mixed up world

Keez is a being outside of everything we know. There is no real explanation of where Keez came from or what they really are. Keez understood what was to come to this world, so to add on to this wonderful creation they gifted the sky with their own. The night sky would forever be blessed with a path to guide any lost souls in their most vulnerable time of need.
As life soon flourished on earth, Keez envied these themes of humanity. Things like virtue, sin, love, hate, the optimistic, and the pessimistic all intrigued Keez. To see a mother give birth to a child and nurture and care and for a father to protect this feeble thing with everything he had. How could this happen, Keez would wonder. To belong to someone else and yet own that person… Keez yearned for their own person to love and mother. And so, the sun was created. Poniente K’iin. A fiery and egotistical boy, yet still charming and has won the hearts of many. He would play on the earth all day till he got tired. Keez would then pick him up and bring him into the sky to rest, changing the sky to night.
Tales and fables of heroic heroes soon made their way to Keez, and they rewarded these heroes with a place in the palace. Soon 30 dynasties would have their place on the moon, and the kingdom became crowded.
Keez still wished for more children, so to add more life to earth, Keez made celestials. This was their favorite creation. To watch them grow, and love and hate and hurt all so many things possible and so many things that can happen in only a short amount of time. Life, humanity and death was beautiful. These celestials blended in so perfectly and they loved and worshiped Keez. It was all this lonely god could ever wish for. And to have these heroes' tales forever be engraved into the moon, what more could they wish for? There, however, was a lot more the sun could wish for.
The tale of the sun’s fall is a story that has been told for generations to little celestial children. There’s not much known about the entities in the sky, however this fight and argument is somehow very well known, as if someone were there to tell how this encounter played out. There have been many plays and story books written to tell about this story. The following is an excerpt from a celestial story book.

“How dare you make such simple minded creatures out of the same material as me!?” the furious sun roared. “As if I were to be on the same hierarchy as them!”
“No my bright sun!” Keez pleaded. “No creature could ever match your greatness! You have filled your mind with hysterical delusions!”
“Do not sully me, blacksmith. All of your wonderful pests have been blessed under your beloved moons and they worship each phase with every ounce of their body! No loyalty could ever be matched! What do I get, blacksmith? A mere 12 hours? Where is my loyalty!? Where is my respect!? WHERE ARE MY PEASANTS!?”
Keez again pleaded with his child, on his knees he began, “But Sun! The night sky has many components to it! Nothing is in its full glory without the stars, but what are the stars without the moon? Even then the moon is shared, forever changing, my dear Sun! The day, however, needs you and only you don’t you see? You are responsible for every organic matter made on this earth; nothing here could exist without you, not even my beloved celestials! Isn't that enough?”
“You insult me!” not a moment after, the Sun pushed the feeble Keez onto the ground and attacked him. No harm would come to the Sun from Keez as he was careful to bring no harm to his creations. The Sun would only be humbled when four of the 30 dynasties came to assist Keez. The Sun would not go down without a fight and scarred each of these four dynasties, leaving their blood to scatter onto stray stars.
Finally, Poniente K’iin was cast down to earth. He would have to learn to live with these “pests” or he would forever be lonely.
