Name: William De'Angelo

Age: 17

Birthday: August 23rd

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida (American born Puerto Rican)

Languages: English

Celestial body: Bull (DEFECTED)

Other: Autism and type 1 diabetes

Relatives: Julia Fontaine (mother), Josef Fontaine (step father), Yuliana Fontaine (half sister)
Liam is a very awkward kid who never sees the red flags. Due to his defected scar, his animal traits act in abnormal ways. In the daytime his ears and horns might be that of a cows, or during the night he'll look like a normal human. Since his star is always acting up it makes him incredibly tired so he's always falling asleep (somehow he's very active in sports). He’s too shy to figure things out on his own, so he usually follows the crowd rather than making his own decisions. Since his social life is dependent on other people he is terrified of abandonment, yet his prickly personality makes him uncomfortable around too many people.

Likes: basketball, uncrustbles, dry grass, Galos bear hugs, his little sister, sleeping, soft fabric, cinnamon smell, oatmeal, grandmas

Dislikes: waiting for things, keeping eye contact for long periods of times, Ramiro (hes scared), anything made before his time, being stared at, people being too close, Zeke's "weird voodoo stuff", dry skin, his braces
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