yea its their most known song.. whatever its most known for a reason cause its GOOD. ITS A GOOD SONG.

Name: Hunter Velez

Age: 18

Birthday: February 17th

Birthplace: Kissimmee, Florida (mixed race; American/Salvadorian)

Languages: English and Spanish

Other: Poly Stubstance Abuse , Jatziri
Relatives: Debborah De'Marco (grandma), Frankie de Jesus (step grandpa), Sidney De'Marco (mother), Carlos Velez (father)
Hunter has zero concept for how emotions work so he has a hard time empathizing with people, and realizing when something is wrong with him. Because of this, it's difficult for him to understand when he’s sad and instead becomes aggressive. His grandmother sends him off to a Christian school and pushes a lot of religious things onto him in an attempt to save him. The Christian beliefs, however, make him very anxious and give him strange delusions (that are also fueled by his excessive drug use). His issues with following basic instructions follow him outside of school and people generally just don't like him. He likes to be away from everything and explore places, see new things, do new stuff, just get out of the restricted routine that his grandmother set up for him. Of course he can't be normal and just go to the beach or something, he's always being reckless and getting in trouble with the law.

Likes: exploring places at night, Italian food, animating on flash, pocket knives, female anatomy, Souvlaki (his donkey), shoegaze, Doc Martens, crime shows, his dad, horses and donks, his dad's side of the family, Pizza Rolls (old stuffed animal), cool looking bugs, drawing, collecting knives, stars, blueberry flavored things (lol...)

Dislikes: bright rooms, people assuming he doesn't understand Spanish, being treated like a kid, acting like an adult, being active, the mornings, silence, following directions, school, his mom, being noticed, motivational speeches, anything involving actual effort
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